State of the WorldI never understood people choosing to not become parents because they didn’t want to bring children into this world.Feb 27, 2022Feb 27, 2022
New Job, Who Dis?I’m wrapping up my first week at SafeGraph, aside from fighting off a bit of jet lag, my first week was great! So let’s reflect.Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
Birthday ResolutionsAfter 29 years of living, I realized that I have a pattern. I actually recognized it earlier, like 28, 27.5 but you know, for this birthday…Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
Consistency is Hard!Creative Consistency is harder than I thought it would be. It’s easy to think that you have all these great ideas when you have the…Dec 1, 20211Dec 1, 20211
Stop and Smell the RosesI have been all about the proverbs this month, and today we’re reflecting on “stop and smell the roses.”Jul 9, 2021Jul 9, 2021
Why I Decided to Start My Travels During the PandemicTravel is my favorite form of therapy, and honestly, I really needed it this year. My deferred globetrotting dreams were beginning to…Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
The Theory of Life’s 7-year CyclesYesterday I turned twenty-eight, and according to the 7-year cycle theory of life, I have now entered the last year of my refinement cycle…Dec 2, 20201Dec 2, 20201
Getting Out of a Funk!I recently made a YouTube video on this topic but I think it’s important enough to warrant a blog post as well, especially during this…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
Setting Boundaries for Your Pro Bono WorkIn my last post I mentioned that a couple of opportunities cropped up as a result of the content I have been sharing. Some of these…Sep 22, 2020Sep 22, 2020
People Are Watching You!Many say “people are watching you” as a cautionary statement.Sep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020