Getting Out of a Funk!

Ibironke Ogunye
3 min readNov 17, 2020

I recently made a YouTube video on this topic but I think it’s important enough to warrant a blog post as well, especially during this pandemic and time of extreme isolation.

I’m not sure if you all noticed, hopefully, you did, but this is my first blog post in about two months. I stopped posting because I was in a bit of a funk. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at first, but I just wasn’t very motivated to stay consistent with my content and some of my other ideas.

While I was on a call with a friend, I realized that I wasn’t fully acknowledging the uncertainty and chaos that 2020 has been. I quit my job to globetrot and meet new people but ended up living at home with my mom and quarantining for the majority of the year. I still count myself amongst the fortunate though, some people are currently being evicted, while others have lost loved ones to Covid-19.

Yet, sometimes it’s still important to acknowledge the loss of opportunity even if you feel fortunate and grateful for life. That loss of opportunity coupled with six months of self-isolation can make even the most tenacious person mentally exhausted.

So what can you do if you’re feeling a little down?

For me, I started by recognizing that I was not alone. Approximately 52% of young adults between the age of 18 and 29 have moved back home with their parents, this is the highest it’s been since the Great Depression.

Sometimes we need a reminder that we are not the only ones going through it. Creating a lucrative business this year is not the only way to conquer the chaos that is 2020. The simple act of self-reflection and growth is a success in itself.

There are a lot of people with plans that are up in the air right now so be kind to yourself and be kind to them. Check in with people and do your best to be open about when you need a check in from others.

The second thing I recognized was that it is okay to take a break. Take as long as you need to recharge. Sometimes it’s necessary. Period.

After that recharge, I found that the best way for me to get back into the swing of things was to create organization and a daily routine. I decided to use Trello to create a daily task and content creation board. I even added photos to the board for daily motivation.

If you’re feeling like you need a little more structure and organization you may want to try a project management tool like Trello to help get you started. Other options include Google Calendar, phone reminders, morning walks, and virtual work buddies.

Whatever you decide, just remember there are people rooting for your success even in the midst of that funk.



Ibironke Ogunye

I Aspire to Inspire | Morning Rants on My Internet Journal