Where Does My Black Life Matter?
I want to start this off by thanking the protesters, the activists, those who were always advocating even when some of us were complacent.
I’ll be the first to say, I was complacent too. I had some opportunity as a black woman, right? So progress didn’t quite feel like it was at a standstill.
But it is at a standstill, and it’s not okay.
With some of the most recent murders of black people — Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, it’s gotten people angry, it is waking us up. What started in the U.S. is beginning to spread globally. It really has us reflecting and standing in solidarity.
But what does this STAND in solidarity statement actually mean?
Are you protesting, donating, reflecting on your own personal prejudice, reflecting on your own country’s legislation, reflecting on your company’s policies? This is a perfect time to purposefully review policies, legislation, and funding strategies, so do that.
Even as people are protesting police brutality, some peaceful protesters are being faced with brutality themselves, being shot at with rubber, wooden, and even real bullets. They have been tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, and slammed to the ground. David McAtee was killed by police during a protest but body cams were not activated, why? Does my black life matter to the police department?
I had two close black female friends recently tell me that they are looking to leave their companies because they don’t feel their voices are being heard at their current jobs. Does my black life matter in my place of employment?
In early April, the Chinese government targeted and forcibly tested Africans for Covid-19; then Chinese landlords evicted Africans which forced them to sleep on the streets. Does my black life matter when I live abroad? Does my black life matter when I travel?
This brings me to African nations. The motherland. I am so happy to see that the African Diaspora is finally beginning to truly unite.
But the resurgence of xenophobia attacks in South Africa in 2019 is still fresh in our memories and is still ongoing. I’ve heard countless stories of people who die in Nigeria and other African countries because they didn’t have enough money to pay the hospital prior to receiving medical treatment. Does my black life even matter in our own Black Nations?
Or is it just rich and influential black lives that matter? Is it just black lives that are not in your country that matter?
It’s kind of hard to get others to value black lives if you don’t actually value black lives yourself. So let’s hold ourselves accountable first. Then, let’s hold others accountable.
Ask yourself, do black lives matter in my country? Do black lives matter in my company? Do black lives really matter to me?